Technology is a vital part of digital transformation, but it’s not all about that. Digital Transformation is about how you can get more from technology, and this involves three things: people process technology. They’re the elements that serve as the backbone of any business. To make the most of these elements, the critical factor that you need to figure out is how you can get the technology and the process to work hand in hand to make people work efficiently.
You can’t just choose just any kind of technology. Just because it’s the most advanced doesn’t mean it’s the right one for you. The technology should also fit your business. It has to be maintained and managed well. Then, once the right technology is in place, you can proceed to develop your business around your processes. Whether they’re documented or not, what matters is that you get a process that people follow to execute and deliver an outcome.
How do you then digitally transform your business in that? It’s about getting the platforms right, getting your people to use these technology platforms, and getting your processes documented and normalised. Your processes also need to be replicable so that you can scale them and maximise them in your business. It’s all about consistency that you can put on every level.
Look at the processes that you’ve documented. Then, look at how the tech in your business can drive some or all of that process. Tie it all in with how the people can execute the process. However, you must keep in mind that a piece of technology won’t solve all your problems. It’s not a miracle ointment that you can apply to your business. You also need to address the underlying structures and the whole culture behind your business. If your people aren’t ready or don’t know how to use your technology, it will not improve your situation.
Lastly, you’ve got to understand your current technology landscape. What software do you have? What operating systems are in place? What internet? What data? How secure is it? These are all common technology infrastructure questions. It seems too insignificant to even bother with. However, the reality is, if you don’t know what you have, you won’t know what you can leverage. So you have to start there and move forward.
Remember, digital transformation isn’t an overnight project. It takes time and rigorous communication with your team to know where the inefficiencies are today to prepare and adapt to the future.