Data Integration

Superior serverless solutions that go beyond customer expectations

Connect, transform, and unify data and applications for amplified business growth.

Data integration is essential for creating a unified organisational environment. While aligning diverse systems and maintaining data quality is challenging, it’s crucial for improving agility, decision-making, and performance. Overcoming these challenges is key to strategic advancement, operational efficiency, and innovation, enabling organisations to adapt swiftly and gain a competitive edge in a fluctuating market.

At Wyntec, we specialise in offering Intelligent Data Integration services that bridge the gap between various business systems, utilising innovative technology and our domain expertise. Our approach focuses on establishing seamless, event-driven connections between critical business systems, allowing enterprises to operate more fluidly and focus on their core competencies. Our tailored solutions, including Managed IT Support and Data Protection, ensure optimal productivity and reliability, aligning with our vision for stress-free IT.

Wyntec’s Data Integration Solutions

Our solutions are entirely based on a Serverless architecture and Cloud Infrastructure, which not only offers cost-effective operation and maintenance but also ensures unparalleled reliability and scalability for our customers.

Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS)

Charting the future of integration development with virtually limitless scalability.

Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) enables companies to achieve their digital transformation goals faster by unifying application and data integration, API management, workflow automation,

Our Serverless Integration Platform simplifies the process of data ingress and egress from any system. With the ability to get data in/out of any platform you have the freedom to build solutions of unconstrained simplicity that run on demand and execute reliably every time.

Key Outcomes and Benefits from system and data integration:

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    Integrate data and systems in the cloud or on-premise.

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    Low Code Development

    Don’t get bogged down with massive and complex development projects, Low Code outcomes ensure quality outcomes faster.

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    Remove Complexity

    The speed at which systems and business change means business need to work smarter and leverage smart tools and platforms.

Enterprise Integration Challenges

Integrating business systems creates improved relationships with customers, partners and vendors.

The rapid and unparalleled advancement of technology poses challenges in seamless integration, often leading to fragmented data and inefficient processes. 

Establishing robust connections with systems both within and external to your organisation is pivotal in mitigating data silos and driving transformative business outcomes.

Streamline your Business Operations:

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    HR Onboarding Boost

    Automate HR Onboarding processes and elimate wasted time with system setup and communication.

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    Customer Insight Upgrade

    Improve customer views with integrated insights and experiences.

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    Sales Transparency

    Re-connect your Sales Processes with Automation between systems and improve transparency.

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    System Sync-Up

    Integrate the systems you have today - Salesforce, ServiceNow, Oracle and Microsoft Dynamics.

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    Future-Ready Tech

    Leverage systems you may have in the future

Payroll Integrations

We've got you covered with 1400+ connectors including HR + Finance + Payroll

For successful payroll integration, middleware isn’t enough. Our turn-key integration solution blends deep domain expertise with advanced technology, ensuring quick and seamless integrations for any payroll system.

At Wyntec, we leverage our collective expertise in payroll solutions to guide you in streamlining data between payroll, HR, and finance, ensuring timely and accurate pay for your employees.

Automate your Payroll Ecosystem:

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    End-to-End Payroll Integrations

    Our commitment extends beyond successful automation; we ensure smooth operations and offer continuous support.

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    Rapid Solution Delivery

    Using our global expertise and vast connector library, we streamline payroll integration, delivering solutions in just weeks.

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    Global Answers to Local Issues

    We address local payroll automation issues throughout your organisation worldwide.

Ready for the next step?

Contact us today to see how Wyntec can support your business by connecting your critical business systems with event-driven integration solutions.


Latest Blogs

Proactive cyber security: The role of pen testing and vulnerability scanning

Why combine communication into one hosted voice solution?

Wyntec at the Queensland Mining and Engineering Exhibition