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Gamify your cyber security training with a Cyber Escape Room

A fun-filled & scientifically-designed solution to cyber training & team building

Is cyber security on your mind? With cyber-attacks costing Aussies over $33 billion last financial year, it should be.

But how do you get your team to engage in better cyber security practices? The key is to gamify the experience.

Our Cyber Escape Rooms are a tried and true method of ensuring an organisation gains and retains valuable cyber security and awareness knowledge. All while providing a fun-filled team building activity for them to achieve together.

Whether working remotely or finding a cause to get the team back together in the office, our virtual and physical Escape Rooms are fully customisable to suit your group.

Join one of our upcoming Virtual Escape Room Preview sessions to learn how you can raise your team’s Cyber security awareness through gamified training activities that are scientifically designed to help gain and retain knowledge.

Your Cyber Escape Room Missions

We have many different types of games available for both on premises and remote teams, not just Escape Rooms, including Game Shows, Treasure Hunts, and even customised themes of your choosing. By participating in these games, your staff will not only enhance their knowledge, but they will have fun doing it as well.

Book an interactive Cyber Escape Room Preview Session Now

Learning Objectives

Each session is designed to present at least 5 different security topics to the participants shown below to ensure a well-rounded AND retained educational experience for your team.

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Password Hygiene

Remembering a complex password is one challenging task for us humans. We often write down the password somewhere prone to theft or choose something simple that’s easily remembered or related to. This makes it too easy for hacking tools and algorithms to predict and crack passwords.
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Phishing Awareness

Phishing is one of the most frequent types of cyber attacks out there. In fact, we all have likely received an email from a fraudster claiming to be one of your service providers. Learning the ways to identify phishing attacks before clicking anything is paramount to security and a lesson that is integral for any team.
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Social Media Rules

The social media platforms we’ve all grown dependent on are often weaponised against us. Cyber criminals are taking advantage of our trust in social media sites and have been using them to gain access to sensitive information, access corporate and government networks, attempt to influence government elections, and more.
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Physical Security

Hackers don’t live on the clock or follow a 9-5 schedule. In fact, it is in their favour to leverage the schedules of staff no longer on the premises when it comes to the physical security vulnerabilities. Leaving computers logged in or paperwork for tomorrow on your desk overnight opens the door to low-tech breaches and theft.
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Securing Sensitive Data

While organizations focus significant resources on mitigating external threat actors, insider risks are likely to pose an even greater financial threat to the enterprise. The Ponemon Institute’s “Cost of Insider Threats” report found the average cost of insider-caused incidents was over double the global average of all other breaches in 2017.
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Adopting widespread remote and hybrid work environments has empowered many staff with added flexibility to their lives. However, it has also inadvertently created a significant increase in network end-points spread far and wide for hackers to target. Ensuring your systems and staff are just secure at home is essential to maintain security for your organisation.
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USB Device Security

USB drives, while convenient, are easily corruptible. Like a tiny Trojan Horse, they can enter your organisation undetected and cause unprecedented damage once plugged into a device on your network with malware. Additionally, these compact devices are easily lost or misplaced, enabling sensitive data to too easily fall into the wrong hands.
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Social Engineering

Social engineering is essentially the art of gaining access to buildings, systems or data by exploiting human psychology and behaviour rather than breaking in or using technical hacking techniques. For example, instead of finding a software vulnerability, a social engineer might call an employee and pose as an IT support person, trying to trick the employee into divulging his password.

Your Guide to Gamifying Cyber Security Training

Download our guide on how your team can successfully gain & retain cyber awareness knowledge & reduce Cyber Threats across your organisation through Cyber Escape Rooms.

Fill in the form below to download your copy today!