IT Security Leadership as a Service

Secure your business’s future with Wyntec’s expert virtual CISOs

Strategic cyber security leadership that protects assets and supercharges business resilience.

Cyber threats loom large, demanding businesses to strengthen their digital defenses for the protection of data, reputation, and overall sustainability. Yet, the challenge for many organisations is the absence of dedicated cyber security leadership.

Wyntec’s IT Security Leadership as a Service (ITSLaaS) provides a range of cyber security functions and strategic guidance to help your business protect your digital assets and sensitive information. A Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) is your dedicated cyber security expert, ready to provide strategic guidance, risk management, and tactical support on a flexible, as-needed basis. With our vCISO service, you get access to top-tier cyber security expertise without the cost and commitment of a full-time hire.

The Benefits of our IT Security Leadership as a Service Solutions

Expertise icon colour


Our vCISOs are experienced cyber security experts, bringing contemporary insights and knowledge to your organisation.

CostEffective icon colour


Save on the overhead costs of hiring a full-time CISO while still benefiting from top-notch cyber security leadership.

TailoredSolution icon colour

Tailored Solutions

Every business is unique. Our vCISOs craft tailored cyber security strategies to align with your unique goals and risks.

ComplianceRegulatory icon colour

Compliance Assurance

Stay in compliance with industry regulations and standards with the guidance of our experts.

Scalability icon colour


As your business evolves, our vCISO service scales with you. Get the support you need, when you need it.

PeaceOfMind icon colour

Peace of Mind

With our vCISOs, you can focus on your core business activities, knowing that your digital assets are in safe hands.

Wyntec’s IT Security Leadership as a Service Solutions

IT Security Leadership as a Service (ITSLaas) is a structured approach offering businesses unparalleled cyber security expertise to oversee and enhance their IT infrastructure. Wyntec can provide the below functions on a part-time or as-needed basis, offering cost-effective cyber security leadership and expertise to organisations that may not have the resources for a full-time, in-house CISO.

CyberSecStrategy icon colour

Cyber security Strategy and Planning

Develop and maintain a comprehensive cyber security strategy tailored to the organisation’s needs, risks, and objectives.

RiskMgmt icon colour

Risk Assessment and Management

Identify, assess, and prioritise cyber security risks, and develop strategies to mitigate or manage those risks effectively.

SecurityPolicies icon colour

Security Policies and Procedures

Establish and enforce cyber security policies and best practices to meet industry standards and regulations.

VendorRiskMgnt icon colour

Vendor Risk

Evaluate and manage the cyber security risks associated with third-party vendors and suppliers.

ComplianceRegulatory icon colour

Compliance and Regulatory Compliance

Ensure your organisation upholds cyber security standards and sets a governance framework.

TechEvaluation icon colour

Security Technology

Assess, recommend and deploy security tools like firewalls, detection systems, and antivirus solutions.

SecurityMonitoringThreatDetection icon colour

Security Monitoring and Threat Detection

Implement continuous monitoring and threat detection systems to identify and respond to security threats in real-time.

AuditAssessment icon colour

Security Auditing and Assessment

Conduct security audits to evaluate current security measures and identify areas for improvement.

BudgetingAllocation icon colour

Security Budgeting and Resource Allocation

Assist in allocating resources, including budgets and personnel, to support cyber security initiatives.

BoardReporting icon colour


Provide regular cyber security updates to senior management and the board regarding posture, risks, and compliance.

SecurityAwarenessProgram icon colour

Security Awareness Programs

Promote a culture of security awareness in the organisation by regularly sharing updates, threats, and best practices.

SecurityIncidentResponse icon colour

Security Incident Response Planning & Coordination

Develop a plan for security breaches, reduce their impact, and coordinate with stakeholders during major incidents.

Don't leave your cyber security to chance.

Secure your business with the expertise of our Virtual Chief Information Security Officers. Contact us today to discuss your cyber security needs and explore how our vCISO service can work for you.


Latest Blogs

Proactive cyber security: The role of pen testing and vulnerability scanning

Why combine communication into one hosted voice solution?

Wyntec at the Queensland Mining and Engineering Exhibition