OneDrive Is All About Personal Data Sync

Making the move from local to online storage is the current trend for businesses today. If you’re considering getting an online storage and is primarily using Microsoft as your OS, then purchasing an Office 365 subscription would be the best option as it already comes with OneDrive.
OneDrive is a cloud-based file hosting system that serves as your own personal storage. It includes has 1TB of space per user, and integrates well with other Microsoft Office platforms including Microsoft Office and SharePoint.
The good thing about OneDrive is it can also be used to directly edit files by using Microsoft Office Online so you can always access and update your documents even when using other devices. It includes a file versioning feature that will allow you to keep track of all the changes and revisions in a document. But OneDrive It isn’t limited to storing just office files and supports all other types of data!
With Deleted Files also kept for 30 days in the recycle bin before being deleted from the system adds a little extra layer of protection.
However, where OneDrive really stands out is in data synchronization.
Data sync
OneDrive is a beast when it comes to synchronization. If you’re using its auto-sync feature all of your files are guaranteed to be synced everywhere – it will be available on the cloud, get synced through all of your machines, and always accessible to any device through the web browser by logging in to your Office 365 account.
When you save a file like you normally would on your device, it will sync as long as you’re connected to the Internet. The files are also automatically sorted by type making it easier for you to find what you need and organise everything. If you’re a mobile professional and work on various gadgets, then this feature will really come in handy in bringing all of your files together and ensuring that everything is always up to date. It also has easy sharing and editing permission features that makes collaboration and teamwork easier and it all relies on the sync technology.
Files on demand
Another great feature for OneDrive is its Files On-Demand option, which allows you to have access to all of your files in the cloud without downloading everything on your device. The files saved on the cloud will be tagged as online-only files, and although it will be visible in your PC’s file explorer it does not take up any of your storage and would not download to your gadgets unless you open it.
This is perfect if you have limited space and bandwidth, or working on a project that doesn’t need to be synced everywhere.
OneDrive’s files on demand is much better than Google Drive and Dropbox’s selective sync, since you can choose individual files instead of syncing folders. OneDrive combines comfort, convenience, and efficiency in one package making it the perfect choice if you need to manage files in real-time.

Explore our data integration services to unlock the full potential of OneDrive for your business!

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