The problem with Email

E-mail is such a business critical function these days, but one thing that is true is that not all e-mail solutions are the same. They’re not all created equal.
What I see amongst organisations is that there are a number of common challenges. People are getting really frustrated with not being able to effectively sync their e-mail, their calendars, and contacts between all their devices and having to use multiple platforms to manage these components.
Nowadays mobility is a necessity, most everyone will have a PC or  Laptop, you also probably have a smartphone and you have an iPad or other tablet Device. The one thing you want, but more so need, is to be able to access all that information across all those devices. And what’s more, it needs to update in real-time. We need to be able to sync between everything and have confidence that when you send that email from your phone, you can easily find it in your sent items on your laptop. When you add that appointment into your IPad, it is synced to your phone and you computer – every thins is up to date, and everything is seamless.
There is nothing worse than not knowing if and when that calendar appointment is going to show up on your phone, you don’t want to double book!
Another challenge which is certainly related to email systems is being unable to collaborate and schedule with team members. E-mail typically goes hand in hand with calendaring scheduling, seeing who is available, and setting meetings. People are flicking between multiple different applications. They might have e-mail that’s free from their web hosting provider but it doesn’t provide any way to sync calendars so then you’re using a different calendar sync tool. You need to sit down and understand what’s going to be best for your business and your staff.

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